紧急援助奖提供给那些无法满足包括交通在内的基本需求的学生, 公用事业公司, 食物, 住房, 等. 这些请求每周由OC C是s团队进行审查,并考虑到本学期的经济援助奖励. 获得大量财务退款和/或贷款的学生可能不会获得紧急援助.
The standard award is $250. To be eligible 用于紧急援助, 学生必须在申请资助的学期内全日制或非全日制注册. 紧急援助 is available during the Fall, Spring, and Summer sessions. We begin awarding registered students a week prior to the semester start date. Students may only receive emergency aid once a semester.
To 了解更多, email OC C是s at cares@qxcwqd.com.
应用 在这里 用于紧急援助
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I receive the emergency aid?
- You may receive the cash grant via direct deposit, in person pick up, or via mail.
- 点击 在这里 for information regarding direct deposit.
- 电子邮件 records@qxcwqd.com to update your mailing address.
When will I receive the emergency aid?
The college will review applications and distribute cash grants weekly.
How much will I receive?
A student can receive $250 emergency expenses grant.
Will the funds need to be paid back?
No, student will not be required to pay back the funds.
Can I 应用 for funding more than once?
是的. A student may 应用 once per semester.
In the spring of 2020, 欧亚体育 received over $1.在《欧亚体育》授权的高等教育紧急救济基金中拨款500万美元. 最初的立法使学院能够为超过25%的学生提供与过渡到远程教学相关的紧急援助. The funds have been exhausted, and the application is no longer available; however, 国会通过了额外的流行病救济立法,以支持2021年的社区大学生. Please continue to check this 页面 的更新.
如果你’re experiencing a crisis that might disrupt your education, visit bit.ly/get-edquity to download the Edquity app, 应用 用于紧急援助, learn about helpful resources in the 是a, 和更多的. Students can also 应用 for funding directly at app.edquity.co. 访问 http://covidcollegesupport.com/ 了解更多 about student resources during the pandemic.
Help for Emergencies During COVID-19 Pandemic
- 如果学生需要 移动PC because the college moved to online courses.
- 如果一个 student purchased a computer, 移动PC or other device to connect to online courses and now is unable to pay rent, purchase 食物 or provide other essential needs for themselves.
- 如果一个 student worked on campus and now the job is suspended, 资金可以用来支付费用,因为学院的运作发生了变化.
- 如果学生需要的话 increase or boost wi-fi access at home because the college moved to online courses.
- 如果一个学生 child c是 expenses increased due to disruption of college operations.
- 如果一个学生 no longer living on campus and has limited access to 食物, transportation, and/or adequate 住房.
Am I eligible for an emergency cash grant?
- 是 U.S citizen or eligible noncitizen;
- 有一个有效的 Social Security number;
- 登记 义务兵役 (if the student is male); and
- 有一个 高中毕业证书, GED, or completion of high school in an approved homeschool setting.
- 如果你有 问题 regarding your current financial aid status, 请电子邮件 financialaid@qxcwqd.com 或浏览 financial aid web页面.
- 点击 在这里 to 了解更多 about how to complete the FAFSA.
- 点击 在这里 to 应用 FAFSA.
- You may receive the cash grant via direct deposit, in person pick up, or via mail.
- 点击 在这里 for information regarding direct deposit.
- 电子邮件 records@qxcwqd.com to update your mailing address.
- 一份确认该院校已签署并交回本署的证书和协议,以及该院校已使用的保证书, 或者打算使用, 不少于根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金的资金的50%.
- 欧亚体育签署并将HERF CARES基金的认证和协议退还给教育部,并打算根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条,使用不少于50%的资金分配,向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.
- 根据该机构的学生紧急经济援助助学金认证和协议,该机构将从该部门收到或已经收到的资金总额.
- $1,059,015
- 截至提交之日,根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条向学生发放的紧急经济援助补助金总额(i).e., as of the 30-day Report and every 45 days t在这里after).
- $419,500 07/13/2020
- $623,500 09/01/2020
- $791,000 10/15/2020
- $900,500 12/15/2020
- $1,058,015 01/15/2021
- 根据1965年《欧亚体育》第四章第484条,该机构有资格参加课程的学生估计总数,因此有资格根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助助学金.
- 4450
- 根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条向学生发放紧急经济援助补助金的学生总数.
- 547 07/13/2020
- 665 09/01/2020
- 1,063 10/15/2020
- 1,199 12/01/2020
- 1,274 01/15/2021
- 根据《欧亚体育》第18004(a)(1)条,该机构用于确定哪些学生获得紧急财政援助补助金以及他们将获得多少补助金的方法.
- 学生必须提交一份CARES基金申请,并由学生财政援助部门审查,以检查FAFSA完成情况, satisfactory academic progress, 贷款违约, high school completion, and selective service registration. All eligible students receive $500 for the semester applied for funds.
- 任何指示, 方向, 或学校向学生提供的有关紧急经济援助助学金的指导.
- 学生们被邀请通过电子邮件申请CARES基金,学院要求尚未提交FAFSA的学生提交一份,以便有资格获得这项援助. Students were notified by 电子邮件 when they were awarded, lacked a FAFSA on file, or were denied. 学生还被要求设置直接存款或确保正确的邮寄地址,以便将纸质支票邮寄给学生.